27thSep2024 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Networks - (ICMSN) Sungai Petani Malaysia
17thOct2024 International Conference on Palliative Care and Ethics, Medicine - (ICPCEM) Sungai Petani Malaysia
06thDec2024 International Conference on Palliative Care and Ethics, Medicine - (ICPCEM) Sungai Petani Malaysia
17thOct2024 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity - (ICLTPS) Sungai Petani Malaysia
08thNov2024 International Conference on Brain Anatomy, Conditions and Diseases - (ICBACD) Sungai Petani Malaysia
08thNov2024 International Conference on Public Health, Health Management and Policy - (ICPHHMP) Sungai Petani Malaysia
06thDec2024 International Conference on Water, Energy and Environmental Management - (ICWEEM) Sungai Petani Malaysia
17thJan2025 International Conference on Multi-Age Classrooms and Multi-Grade Education - (ICMACMGE) Sungai Petani Malaysia
17thJan2025 International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Effective Designing Instructions - (ICECEEDI) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thFeb2025 International Conference on Engineering, Social- Sciences, And Humanities - (ICESSH) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thFeb2025 International Conference on Business Education and Human Resource Development - (ICBEHRD) Sungai Petani Malaysia