17thJan2025 International Conference on Multi-Age Classrooms and Multi-Grade Education - (ICMACMGE) Sungai Petani Malaysia
17thJan2025 International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Effective Designing Instructions - (ICECEEDI) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thFeb2025 International Conference on Engineering, Social- Sciences, And Humanities - (ICESSH) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thFeb2025 International Conference on Business Education and Human Resource Development - (ICBEHRD) Sungai Petani Malaysia
31thMar2025 International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical - (ICAAMMP ) Sungai Petani Malaysia
06thMar2025 International Conference on Business Management and Humanities - (ICOBMH) Sungai Petani Malaysia
31thMar2025 International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Complex Systems and Statistics - (ICCMCSS) Sungai Petani Malaysia
03thApr2025 International Conference on Global Economy in Business, Management, Social Science and Humanity Perspective - (ICGEMSH) Sungai Petani Malaysia
29thApr2025 International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Number Theory - (ICGCNT) Sungai Petani Malaysia
03thApr2025 International Conference on Business Management and Humanities - (ICOBMH) Sungai Petani Malaysia
16thMay2025 International Conference on Multi-Age Classrooms and Multi-Grade Education - (ICMACMGE) Sungai Petani Malaysia
16thMay2025 International Conference on MULTIDISCIPLINARY INNOVATION in ACADEMIC RESEARCH - (MIAR) Sungai Petani Malaysia
30thJun2025 International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics - (ICPAM) Sungai Petani Malaysia
30thJun2025 International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences - (ICMMMB) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thJul2025 International Conference on Problem Based Learning Pedagogies in Higher Education - (ICPBLPHE) Sungai Petani Malaysia
11thJul2025 International Conference on Inquiry-Based Learning in Educational Sciences - (ICIBLES) Sungai Petani Malaysia
15thAug2025 International Conference on Agricultural Education and Communications - (ICAEC) Sungai Petani Malaysia
12thSep2025 International Conference on Education and New Developments - (IC-END) Sungai Petani Malaysia
12thDec2025 International Conference on Educational Policies and Systems - (ICEPAS) Sungai Petani Malaysia
12thDec2025 International Conference on Gender Perspectives and Current Policies in Education - (ICGPCPE) Sungai Petani Malaysia
15thAug2025 International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education - (ICSSABE) Sungai Petani Malaysia