18thSep2024 International Conference on Sports Physiotherapy and Biomechanics - (ICSPB) Manchester UK
12thSep2024 International Conference on Asian Political and Economical Studies - (ICAPES ) Manchester UK
25thSep2024 International Conference on Mathematics, Computation, Complex Systems and Statistics - (ICMCCSS) Manchester UK
18thSep2024 International Conference on Philosophy, Critical Theory and Structural Transformation - (ICPCTST) Manchester UK
10thOct2024 International Conference on African Studies, Environment and Conservation - (ICASEC ) Manchester UK
04thOct2024 International Conference on Environmental and Public Health Management - (ICEPHM) Manchester UK
23thOct2024 International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice - (ICEPSMSLP ) Manchester UK
04thOct2024 International Conference on Mechatronic Control Engineering and Electro-Mechanical Systems - (ICMCEEMS) Manchester UK
12thDec2024 International Conference on African Studies, Environment and Conservation - (ICASEC ) Manchester UK
25thDec2024 International Conference on Environmental and Public Health Management - (ICEPHM) Manchester UK
18thDec2024 International Conference on Roman Catholic Church and Christianity - (ICRCCC) Manchester UK
25thDec2024 International Conference on Mechatronic Control Engineering and Electro-Mechanical Systems - (ICMCEEMS) Manchester UK
04thOct2024 International Conference on Environmental Quality, Management and Protection - (ICEQMP) Manchester UK
23thOct2024 International Conference on Foundations of Stable, Generalizable and Transferable Statistical Learning - (ICFSGTSL) Manchester UK
06thNov2024 International Conference on Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology - (ICFOB) Manchester UK
20thNov2024 International Conference on Advances in Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Science - (ICAPPTS) Manchester UK
13thNov2024 International Conference on English Studies, Women Empowerment, Education & Social Sciences - (ICESWEESS) Manchester UK
28thNov2024 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Sciences - (ICMACOSC) Manchester UK
12thDec2024 International Conference on Operations Research, Statistics and Industrial Engineering - (ICORSIE) Manchester UK
25thDec2024 International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Food Security - (ICEBFS) Manchester UK
18thDec2024 International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Parallel Processing - (ICDAMPP ) Manchester UK
25thDec2024 International Conference on Soil Quality, Crop Nutrition and Sustainable Land Management - (ICSQCNSLM) Manchester UK
07thJan2025 International Conference on Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Information Technology - (ICCSCIT) Manchester UK
16thJan2025 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Studies, Anthropology, History and Archaeology - (ICMSSAHA) Manchester UK
22thJan2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications - (ICAIMA) Manchester UK
25thFeb2025 International Conference on Cell Biology and Internal Cellular Structures - (ICCBICS) Manchester UK
04thFeb2025 International Conference on Human Resources, Strategies and Development - (ICHRSD) Manchester UK
04thFeb2025 International Conference on Employment Law and Human Resource Practice - (ICELHRP) Manchester UK
15thFeb2025 International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance - (ICAVSBS) Manchester UK
21thFeb2025 International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering - (ICCARVE) Manchester UK