24thSep2024 International Conference on Evidence-Based Educational Methods, Computers and Adaptive Instruction - (ICEBEMCAI) Limassol Cyprus
24thSep2024 International Conference On English Learning and Teaching Skills - (ICELTS) Limassol Cyprus
24thSep2024 International Conference on Medical Surgical Nursing, Interactions and Patients - (ICMSNIP) Limassol Cyprus
24thSep2024 International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies - (ICLACS ) Limassol Cyprus
03thOct2024 International Conference on Designing Effective Educational Instructions - (ICDEEI) Limassol Cyprus
02thOct2024 International Conference on Innovation, Creativity and Marketing - (ICICM) Limassol Cyprus
24thDec2024 International Conference on Designing Effective Educational Instructions - (ICDEEI) Limassol Cyprus
03thOct2024 International Conference on Consumer Psychology, Marketing and Advertising - (ICCPMA) Limassol Cyprus
05thNov2024 International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Online Education - (ICETTOE) Limassol Cyprus
22thJan2025 International Conference on Ceramic Waste Management and Treatment - (ICCWMT) Limassol Cyprus
02thJan2025 International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography, and Aquatic Environment - (ICAIOAE) Limassol Cyprus
10thJan2025 International Conference on Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development - (ICWRRED) Limassol Cyprus
22thJan2025 International Conference on Enterprise Resource Planning and Financial Management Solutions - (ICERPFMS) Limassol Cyprus
02thJan2025 International conference on Marine Science and Technology Equipment - (ICMSTE) Limassol Cyprus
10thJan2025 International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources - (ICNRER) Limassol Cyprus
22thFeb2025 International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications - (ICWSNUCA) Limassol Cyprus
20thFeb2025 International Conference on Information Sciences and Techniques - (ICOIST) Limassol Cyprus
28thFeb2025 International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering and Technology - (ICRCET) Limassol Cyprus
28thFeb2025 International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering and Technology - (ICRCET) Limassol Cyprus
22thFeb2025 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Vehicular Networking - (ICCVVN) Limassol Cyprus
20thFeb2025 International Conference on Economics and Business Information Sciences - (ICEBIS) Limassol Cyprus