25thFeb2025 International Conference on Philosophy, Psychology and Spirituality - (ICOPPS ) Fethiye Turkey
06thFeb2025 International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainability - (ICEBS) Fethiye Turkey
06thFeb2025 International Conference on Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology - (ICPMB) Fethiye Turkey
25thFeb2025 International Conference on Architecture, Culture and Spirituality - (ICACULS) Fethiye Turkey
28thMar2025 International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering - (ICABBBE) Fethiye Turkey
07thMar2025 World Conference on Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control - (WCIDPC) Fethiye Turkey
12thApr2025 International Conference on Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis - (ICSLDA) Fethiye Turkey
11thApr2025 International Conference on Bacterial Diseases and Clinical Pathology - (ICBDCP) Fethiye Turkey
25thApr2025 International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering - (ICABBBE) Fethiye Turkey
11thApr2025 World Conference on Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control - (WCIDPC) Fethiye Turkey
06thJun2025 World Conference on Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control - (WCIDPC) Fethiye Turkey
12thJul2025 International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications - (ICWSNUCA) Fethiye Turkey
05thJul2025 International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization - (ICASIC) Fethiye Turkey
12thJul2025 International Conference on Service-Oriented Architectures and Computing - (ICSOAC) Fethiye Turkey
13thSep2025 International Conference on Green Computing Models, Simulations and Designs - (ICGCMSD) Fethiye Turkey
13thSep2025 International Conference on Scientific Computing, Modeling and Simulation - (ICSCMS) Fethiye Turkey
06thSep2025 International Conference on Roman Catholic Church, Social and Cultural Issues - (ICRCCSCI) Fethiye Turkey
06thOct2025 International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications - (ICMSAPP) Fethiye Turkey
28thOct2025 International Conference on Human Resource Management Models and Strategies - (ICHRMMS) Fethiye Turkey
15thNov2025 International Conference On Intelligent Computing And Control Systems - (ICICCS) Fethiye Turkey
08thNov2025 International Conference on Roman Catholic Church, Social and Cultural Issues - (ICRCCSCI) Fethiye Turkey
06thDec2025 International Conference on Roman Catholic Church, Social and Cultural Issues - (ICRCCSCI) Fethiye Turkey
13thDec2025 International Conference on Green Computing Models, Simulations and Designs - (ICGCMSD) Fethiye Turkey
09thAug2025 International Conference on Woman Society of Christian Service - (ICOWSOCS) Fethiye Turkey