17thDec2024 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology - (ICACSIT) Basrah Iraq
10thDec2024 International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdiscipclinary Research - (ICSTAR) Basrah Iraq
02thJan2025 International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development - (ICEIRD) Basrah Iraq
27thJan2025 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies - (ICDLOET) Basrah Iraq
13thJan2025 International Conference on Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control - (ICSCMC ) Basrah Iraq
08thJan2025 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences - (ICIBSS ) Basrah Iraq
02thJan2025 International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation and Regional Economic Development - (ICETIRED) Basrah Iraq
31thJan2025 International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Mechanical Systems - (ICRIMS ) Basrah Iraq
27thJan2025 International Conference on Distance Education Technologies and Applications - (ICDETA) Basrah Iraq
08thJan2025 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies - (ICILPS) Basrah Iraq
05thFeb2025 International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, Education & Law - (ICMSEL) Basrah Iraq
17thFeb2025 International Conference on Communication, Arts and Human Sciences - (ICCAHS) Basrah Iraq
19thFeb2025 International Conference on Ceramic Waste Management and Treatment - (ICCWMT) Basrah Iraq
19thFeb2025 International Conference on Management Technology and Applications - (ICMTAA ) Basrah Iraq
05thFeb2025 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - (ICAMACS ) Basrah Iraq
17thMar2025 International Conference on Advanced Esthetic and Implant Dentistry - (ICAEID) Basrah Iraq
29thMar2025 International Conference on Medical Data Mining and Evidence-Based Medicine - (ICMDMEBM) Basrah Iraq
11thMar2025 International Conference on Developmental Physical Education for Children and Youth - (ICDPECY) Basrah Iraq
17thMar2025 International Conference on Community, Public and Preventive Dentistry - (ICCPPD) Basrah Iraq
29thMar2025 International Conference on Advances in Animal Anatomy and New Companion Animals - (ICAAANCA) Basrah Iraq
11thMar2025 International Conference on Sports, Exercise Physiology and Nutrition - (ICSEPN) Basrah Iraq
21thApr2025 International Conference on Community, Public and Preventive Dentistry - (ICCPPD) Basrah Iraq
26thMay2025 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies - (ICDLOET) Basrah Iraq
01thMay2025 International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development - (ICEIRD) Basrah Iraq
14thMay2025 International Conference on Humanities, Social and Political Sciences - (ICHSPS) Basrah Iraq
26thMay2025 International Conference on Virtual Learning and Distance Education - (ICVLDE) Basrah Iraq
01thMay2025 International Conference on Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship - (ICOEEE) Basrah Iraq
14thMay2025 International Conference on Cognitive Revolution, Historical Background and Interdisciplinary Activities - (ICCRHBIA ) Basrah Iraq
12thMay2025 International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics - (ICCMAM ) Basrah Iraq
20thJun2025 International Conference on Clinical Neurolinguistics and Language Pathology - (ICCNLP) Basrah Iraq
10thJun2025 International Conference on Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance - (ICHPERSD) Basrah Iraq
16thJun2025 International Conference on Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontics - (ICACDO) Basrah Iraq
20thJun2025 International Conference on Clinical Pathology, Diagnostic Techniques and Laboratory Medicine - (ICCPDTLM) Basrah Iraq
10thJun2025 International Conference on Developmental Physical Education for Children and Youth - (ICDPECY) Basrah Iraq
28thJul2025 International Conference on Education, Distance Education, Instructional and Educational Technology - (ICEDEIET) Basrah Iraq
03thJul2025 International Conference on Gender, Feminism, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth - (ICGFEEG) Basrah Iraq
16thJul2025 International Conference on Applied Interdisciplinary Civil Engineering - (ICAICIE ) Basrah Iraq
14thJul2025 International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences - (ICMMMB) Basrah Iraq
25thJul2025 International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing, Industrial and Civil Engineering - (ICMMICE) Basrah Iraq
03thJul2025 International Conference on Gender, Feminism, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth - (ICGFEEG) Basrah Iraq
25thJul2025 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer , Civil and Mechanical Engineering - (ICEECCME) Basrah Iraq
14thJul2025 International Conference on Online Collaborative Learning in Mathematics - (ICOCLM ) Basrah Iraq
16thJul2025 International Conference on Cognitive Revolution, Cognitive Science and Interdisciplinary Activities - (ICCRCSIA ) Basrah Iraq
25thAug2025 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies - (ICDLOET) Basrah Iraq
13thAug2025 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences - (ICIBSS ) Basrah Iraq
11thAug2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics - (ICAIM) Basrah Iraq
29thAug2025 International Conference on Online Collaborative Learning in Mathematics - (ICOCLM ) Basrah Iraq