13thJan2025 International Conference on African Studies, History and Archaeology - (ICASHA ) Banjul Gambia
13thJan2025 International Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy - (ICACAS) Banjul Gambia
17thFeb2025 International conference on Indigenous Astronomy in the Space Age - (ICIASA) Banjul Gambia
11thMar2025 International Conference on Architecture, Landscape, Interior Design and Urban Planning - (ICALIDUP) Banjul Gambia
08thApr2025 International Conference on Health Data Repository Design Methods - (ICHDRDM) Banjul Gambia
12thMay2025 International conference on Astronomy and Relativisitc Astrophysics - (ICARA) Banjul Gambia
11thAug2025 International Conference on African Studies, History and Archaeology - (ICASHA ) Banjul Gambia