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Business and Management

Business process reengineering, information systems consulting/outsourcing

Career Development

Change Management

Change Management for Sustainability

Data Mining

E-business/m-commerce, internet/organisational change, best practices, standards

Economic Studies


Enterprise Capability and Leadership

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), enterprise application integration (EAI)


Global dimension, methodologies/strategies/innovation

Human resource/information technology/supply chain management

Information system project management, software version control/management

Information systems and organisational change management

Information systems integration process and management

Instructional Design

Integrated Disciplines and Partnerships

Knowledge management

Knowledge management, business intelligence/process management

Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations


Leadership, education/training and individual development

Management education

Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI

Measuring change management, cost analysis and economics


Organization Development

Organizational Change Management for Sustainability

Organizational cultures

Productivity Measurement and Analysis

Professional Practices

Quality Management and Business Excellence Consultation


Security, quality, social, cultural, legal, ethical issues

Software version control and management

Sustainability and Organizational Change

Sustainability Change Management

Tools for, and managing risk in, change management

Tools of the Trade

TQM, six sigma for performance improvement

Trends and Innovation

Workplace Issues

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