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Call for Paper

International tourism

International tourism management

International tourism development

Hospitality and international tourism information systems

Hospitality and international tourism management

Hospitality and international tourism marketing

Hospitality and international tourism operations

Hospitality and international tourism product development and management

International tourism and environment

International tourism and urban planning

International tourism planning and regional development

Protected areas and international tourism

Urban tourism and cultural heritage

GIS applications in tourism

Hospitality, international tourism management and marketing

Destination marketing and management

International sustainable tourism

International tourism and environment

International tourism planning and regional development

Entrepreneurship in international tourism and hospitality

Climate change and international tourism

Consumer behavior in hospitality and tourism

Crisis and international tourism

Destination marketing and management

Distribution systems and distribution strategies

Education and training in tourism and hospitality

Electronic marketing and e-commerce

Equality, gender and diversity issues in international tourism organizations

Financial management

Food service marketing and management

Future trends in the hospitality and tourism marketing and management

Human resource strategies and operations for tourism and hospitality industry

Operational management

Organizational buying behavior

Organizational theory and tourism research

Protected areas and tourism

Research and innovations in hospitality marketing and management

Small and medium-sized enterprises in tourism and hospitality

Special interest tourism marketing and management

Sustainable tourism

Technology and competitiveness

Technology and management

Urban tourism and cultural heritage

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